Vol. 1 No. 2 (2006)

The second issue of the EPS Journal takes up the theme of economic aspects of peacemaking and peacekeeping. Economics Nobel-Laureate Lawrence R. Klein reviews the arguments for, and the likely cost of, a standing United Nations peacekeeping force. Lloyd J. Dumas argues that minimizing economic stress also helps minimize the potential for violent conflict, and Dietrich Fischer reviews the cost of war as against the cost of war-prevention. But for all the good reasons of why peace is cheaper than war, war nonetheless recurs. Jurgen Brauer examines why there seems to be so little peace - if it were so cheap to obtain - and studies the conditions under which states appear willing to intervene in trouble spots around the world. Bassam Yousif, Guy Lamb, J. Paul Dunne, and Ross Fetterly present a set of country studies - on Iraq, Namibia, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Canada. The Canadian piece is of particular value as there is virtually no literature that tries, as Fetterly does, to compute the cost of providing peacekeeping services. The other country studies offer valuable comparative lessons of what does, and does not, work in post-violence reconstruction. The final two articles look at the business side of things. Bob French has written a forceful account of what it takes to clean up land mine pollution, and John T. Marlin examines what consumer campaigns might do, and have done, to rattle the market for gold jewelry and to compel gold-mining companies to adopt behaviors that might reduce conflict.
Published: 2006-06-18


  • Front Matter

  • An economic approach to peacemaking and peacekeeping

    Lloyd J. Dumas
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.1.2.7
  • After the slaughter: Reconstructing Mozambique and Rwanda

    J. Paul Dunne
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.1.2.39
  • The cost of peacekeeping: Canada

    Ross Fetterly
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.1.2.47
  • On the relative cost of mediation and military intervention

    Dietrich Fischer
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.1.2.13
  • The business of landmine clearing

    Bob French
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.1.2.54
  • Peacekeeping operations: From the birth of the United Nations onward

    Lawrence R. Klein
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.1.2.4
  • Militarization's long shadow: Namibia's legacy of armed violence

    Guy Lamb
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.1.2.31
  • The 'No Dirty Gold' campaign: What economists can learn from and contribute to corporate campaigns

    John Tepper Marlin
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.1.2.58
  • Economic aspects of peacekeeping in Iraq: What went wrong?

    Bassam Yousif
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.1.2.24
  • Theory and practice of intervention

    Jurgen Brauer
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.1.2.17
  • Books received

    Bjorn Moller
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.1.2.65
  • Entire Issue