Information For Librarians

Libraries or library agents:

(1) We encourage librarians to list this journal among their library's electronic journal holdings. For automated institutional subscriptions, please click here. Note that the institution's or library's contact person will first be asked to register contact details such as a name and email address before the page advances to the actual subscription module. Please be sure to have your institution's IP range at hand. The 12-months subscription fee is US$150.

(2) If your institution uses a subscription agent such as EBSCO, please make arrangement through the agent. In that case, the library and agent need to decide who will serve as the contact person (e.g., to handle queries or renewal reminders). Again, the institution's IP range will be required to be entered to proceed with the subscription.

(3) To subscribe "manually" (for example, if your institution does not have an IP range) or for any other subscription-related question or questions, please email us at