The effects of armed conflicts on local economic dynamics in the Mopti and Ségou regions of Mali


  • Mahamadou Bassirou Tangara



armed conflicts, Mali, economic dynamics, West Africa, production processes, social impact, economic disruption


Armed conflicts significantly affect the social and economic conditions of societies in turmoil, disrupting the normal functioning of local economies. The study described in this article seeks to delve into the repercussions of armed conflicts on the dynamics of local economies in Ségou and Mopti, Mali, since the conflict outbreak in 2012. Employing a case study method, the research uses field observations and in-depth interviews with various stakeholders, including residents, displaced individuals, local authorities, former hostages, herders, farmers, traders, officials, and members of non-governmental organizations. The examination of the Ségou and Mopti cases underscores how armed conflicts have disrupted local production processes and curtailed population consumption patterns. Notably, weekly fairs that are pivotal for economic exchanges have been either prevented or abandoned by the populations. Additionally, farms face restrictions by enforced cultivation prohibition or the intentional burning of crops upon maturity. These findings contribute valuable insights into the nuanced effects of armed conflicts, cautioning against oversimplified generalizations derived from more aggregate analyses. The study sheds light on the intricacies of the local responses to conflict-induced economic challenges, offering a deeper understanding of the complexities involved.

This article is based on WIDER Working Paper 2024/53. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER. Available at: .


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2024-10-19 — Updated on 2024-10-22


How to Cite

Tangara, M. B. (2024). The effects of armed conflicts on local economic dynamics in the Mopti and Ségou regions of Mali. The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 19(2), 35–54. (Original work published October 19, 2024)




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