Security and development: Shifting the focus to interpersonal violence


  • Anke Hoeffler Department of Economics, University of Oxford



Security, development, interpersonal violence


The focus in the security and development debate is on collective violence and the World Bank’s World Development Report  2017 is typical by mainly considering the effects of organized armed conflict. In this article I argue that interpersonal violence affects many more people globally and should receive more attention as well as aid. The adverse consequences from interpersonal violence on socioeconomic development are likely to be large but much of this violence is hidden in plain sight. Women and children are at particularly high risk of being victims of violence but since most of this violence is perpetrated in the domestic sphere it is less likely to affect the collective conscience.


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How to Cite

Hoeffler, A. (2018). Security and development: Shifting the focus to interpersonal violence. The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 13(1).




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