About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Economics of Peace and Security Journal (EPSJ) addresses business and economic aspects of peace and security, ranging from the interpersonal and communal domains to transboundary and global affairs. Our scope includes all violent and nonviolent conflict affecting human and nonhuman life as well as their implications for our common habitat, Earth. Special attention is paid to constructive proposals for nonviolent conflict resolution and peacemaking. While open to noneconomic approaches, most contributions emphasize economic analysis of causes, consequences, and possible solutions to prevent, or else mitigate, conflict and violence.
Contributions are scholarly or practitioner-based. Submissions are screened for plagiarism and all published articles are peer-reviewed. The journal follows and enforces international publication ethics standards for editors, authors, reviewers, and all others involved in its publication. No responsibility for the views expressed by the authors in this journal is assumed by EPS Publishing, by the editor, or by Economists for Peace and Security.
Written and edited for high-quality content, clarity, and readability, EPSJ is aimed at specialist and nonspecialist readers alike, including academics, policy decisionmakers, policy analysts, national and international civil servants, members of the armed forces and of peacekeeping services, the business community, nongovernmental organizations, religious institutions, and other interested parties.
See our privacy and data collection policy statement here. (In short, we do not collect information other than names and emails of authors, reviewers, and subscribers, and none of which we share.)
Peer Review Process
All articles appearing in EPSJ, solicited or unsolicited, are peer-reviewed. Submissions are checked for potential plagiarism.
Publication Frequency
Issues are published in April and October.
Copyright, Permissions, and Reprints
Notwithstanding our Author Self-Archiving policy, all articles and other matter appearing in EPSJ and on this site are the property of EPS Publishing and, except for the "fair use" clause in copyright law, may not be reproduced in any form or format, in whole or in part, without explicit permission from the publisher. This applies even to open-access articles. Authors may not post copies of their final, published EPSJ article on outlets such as ResearchGate or Academia.edu but they may post a link to their article on the EPSJ site (preferably using a DOI link such as, e.g., http://dx.doi.org/10.15355/epsj.11.1.28).
In a word, while open-access material may be read free of charge, it may not be reproduced without permission.
Ordinarily, we expect to grant reuse or reprint permission as a courtesy to our authors except when reusing or reprinting via a commercial, for-profit outlet. For commercial use, we apply customary page charges depending on the nature and extent of the permissions request.
Please contact the Managing Editor <ManagingEditor@epsjournal.org.uk> for details.
Journal History
The Economics of Peace and Security Journal (EPSJ) was co-founded by J Brauer & JP Dunne and launched in January 2006 as an activity of Economists for Peace and Security, United Kingdom (EPS-UK), an association of scholars. Initially, EPSJ published twice a year, in January and July. In 2013, the design of the journal was modernized, website features upgraded, and publication shifted to April and October. In 2016/17, the journal moved to a more secure web server environment. In 2018, management was transferred to EPS Publishing which publishes the journal for the EPS association. In 2020, J Brauer retired as co-editor, with JP Dunne continuing as editor and CM Brown as managing editor.